Health Savings /

Have HSA Questions?

Mercantile has answers.

Navigating healthcare costs can be a daunting task. We can help by answering your questions and pointing out opportunities and challenges ahead.

Open an HSA

Have you read up on Mercantile's HSA and are ready to start saving now? Choose an account to begin the enrollment process.

Health Savings Accounts


Please feel free to access any of the forms below to manage your Mercantile Bank HSA. You may submit completed forms to HSA Support by fax or mail, or bring the completed form in person to any Mercantile Bank location.

HSA Support Fax:
HSA Support Mail:
Mercantile Bank of Michigan/HSA Support
PO Box 2208, Grand Rapids, MI 49501

Please note: If you applied online to open your HSA and you did not return a signature card for your account, you may be required to have your signature notarized when completing the forms listed below.

If you are unsure whether or not you have completed a signature card for your HSA, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to assist you.


Read our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact one of our HSA specialists for further information.

© 2025 Mercantile Bank

BBB Accredited Business Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC

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