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Student Loans

Wherever you are in your higher education, get the money you need for school. Student loans from Mercantile Bank and Sallie Mae® could help!

Sallie Mae® higher education loans are designed for the needs of undergraduates, graduate students, and parents.

  • Competitive interest rates
  • Multiple repayment options
  • No origination fees; no prepayment penalty*


Smart Option Student Loan 

For bachelor's and associate's degrees or a certificate at a degree-granting school.

Graduate Loan Suite

Pay for your school and associated expenses as you pursue your master's or doctoral degree.

Explore Your Loan Options


Scholarship Search Tool

Borrow responsibly.

We encourage students and families to start with savings, grants, scholarships, and federal student loans to pay for college. Students and families should evaluate all anticipated monthly loan payments, and how much the student expects to earn in the future, before considering a private student loan.

These loans are made by Sallie Mae Bank or a lender partner. Mercantile Bank is not the creditor for these loans and is compensated by Sallie Mae for the referral of loan customers.

Smart Option Student Loan and graduate loan products: This information is for students attending participating degree-granting schools. Smart Option Student Loan information is for undergraduates only. Graduate Certificate/Continuing Education coursework is not eligible for MBA, Medical, Dental, and Law School Loans. Borrowers must be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents if the school is located outside of the United States. Non-U.S. citizen borrowers who reside in the U.S. are eligible with a creditworthy cosigner (who must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident) and are required to provide an unexpired government-issued photo ID to verify identity. Applications are subject to a requested minimum loan amount of $1,000. Current credit and other eligibility criteria apply.

*Although we do not charge a penalty or fee if you prepay your loan, any prepayment will be applied as outlined in your promissory note—first to Unpaid Fees and costs, then to Unpaid Interest, and then to Current Principal.


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© 2025 Mercantile Bank

Better Business Bureau Accredited Business Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC

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