Online & Mobile Services /


MercMobile puts the power to bank anytime, right in your hands.

You can access your account information, transfer money, deposit checks, and more — all you need is a cell phone.


If you are enrolled in Internet Banking, download the app and login with your login credentials. To enroll in Text Banking, go to Settings, then Text Enrollment.

MercMobile® uses the same encryption and security technology that we use for Internet Banking

*MercMobile® requires that SMS and/or a data plan be enabled on your phone. SMS and/or data charges may apply, please check with your wireless service provider for availability and fees.

Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play

SMS Text Mobile Banking

Send text messages to 226563.

No charge for this service if you are already a Mercantile Internet Banking customer*

You must enable Text Banking within Internet Banking before you can use this service.

Text 226563 with one of these commands:

  • Text BAL to view balances for all eligible accounts
  • Text HIST for recent transactions
  • Text TRANSFER to transfer money between Mercantile Accounts
  • Text STOP to opt out
  • Text HELP for the customer service number

*MercMobile® requires that SMS and/or a data plan be enabled on your phone. SMS and/or data charges may apply, please check with your wireless service provider for availability and fees.

MercMobile® FAQs

MercMobile® allows you to bank anytime, anywhere from your mobile phone. You can elect to use text banking, mobile app banking, or both, depending on your device and mobile service plan.

MercMobile® uses the same security features as internet banking (https, 128-bit SSL encryption, Secure Access Code).

We recommend you use our bank website to research which apps have been developed for the various devices which are supported. Below are the links for accessing these apps:

You must have a text plan to use text banking and a data plan to access browser banking.

Make sure you have the MercMobile app installed on your device and login as usual.

You may want to change your password, until you locate or replace your device. Just login to Internet Banking with your computer and go to Settings, Security Preferences.

For iPhone and Android users, you must remove the installed app from the old device, and then add it to the new one.

MercMobile® is free of charge, however, you may incur text or data charges from your wireless provider.

For mobile banking, you can just uninstall the app. To unenroll in text banking, login to Internet Banking and go to Settings, Text Enrollment, and toggle the On/Off button - you can also text "stop" to 226563.

Only 1 device can be used for MercMobile® text banking, however multiple devices can be used for MercMobile® app banking.

© 2025 Mercantile Bank

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